Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 21:34 Id: b9a766 No.8397 del
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We don't even have a local newspaper anymore where I live. We get mail only 2-3 times per week.

There used to be two local news offices for competing papers, mail delivered every day, and the possibility of doing banking with the mailman on wednesdays by putting a yellow sign on the mailbox, and they'd then come into your house. They had time to stay and would get coffee and sandwiches while taking care of business.

There used to be an ice cream van weekly, and home delivery of soft drinks and beer, where you gave them the crate with empty bottles and got a new one.

All of these services are now gone, the system for buying crates of drinks is not even in use nationally anymore. Instead plastic bottles have replaced the glass bottles. From what I read, 75% of all plastic that has ever been produced in the world, was produced in the last 15 years. No wonder there's fucking plastic trash everywhere, and now people are complaining about the attached plastic lids, which they are known to throw in the stream or in nature otherwise. Fucking zoomers are a pest.

Despite increasing population and claims that modern technology would "personalize" everything and make it better for everyone for less cost.

There is also no phone book anymore, only random website catalogs which aren't updated with 10 non functional numbers for any person you are trying to find.

I think people are really idiots to believe there has been an improvement of society in any way whatsoever.