Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:35 Id: 975c6f No.8398 del
>which they are known to throw in the stream or in nature otherwise
Do people do that there often?

Also everything else you described being "gone" is something we still have going. Except that mailman thing. We never had that. The current mailmans we have nowadays are on this level [Embed]

>I think people are really idiots to believe there has been an improvement of society in any way whatsoever.
Luckily I'm a 2nd worlder and everyone around me thinks the world is getting worse every day in the last 70 years.
Also the plastic lids are still absolutely minimal solution for all the problems plastic is causing. And it won't go away. Still too cheap and anyone using anything else is falling behind for not "maximizing profits" with it. Cigarette buds bother me more than plastic caps and plastic straws tbh. But I cannot expect that to go away in the next 30 years can I.