Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:05 Id: 6ffd8c No.8407 del

Clarity Claire

A ScaleForm disc based servitor with a specific purpose: to optimize the integration of new thought structures.

The function is based off something I've used since I first started noticing how learning works. To do something with focus, then not think about it. I noticed early on that playing a Nintendo game and getting stuck on some part one day, would have the effect that I could effortlessly do it the next day. So sleeping between the two sessions had this effect.

Later I realized I could do a quick version of this when learning English vocabulary by staring intently at the new word, then reading the translation, staring at the word again, pronouncing it as segments, back to the translation, and doing this 3 times. Then just staring blankly at the form of the English word for 20 sec and suddenly looking away and thinking about something else. Then I'd repeat this with all words I was to learn, and they'd stick in my memory.

The trick is the sudden switch to something unrelated, which locks the information in a new memory slot of the mind, where it's then "worn in" as long as it's not touched again. It works the same way with movements like karate. I'd practice a motion over and over with focus until I nailed it perfectly once. Then instantly relax, walk away and think about something else, avoiding to think about anything relating to the new movement. Then just forget it until a few days later, and then it would be incorporated better.

So this servitor seeks to optimize this process for any kind of learning, although it's aimed at the complex things which are hard to lock into individual memory slots because of their size, making them hard to maintain in memory as a single form all at once.

The process is actually the source of the method of creating telepathic information packages which are sent to someone and then expanded by the receiver, at least in my process of discovery. Spell casting also works this way. Some people are said to have done this when writing literature, creating the entire work in their head before they pick up the pen.

I also do this when creating ScaleForm discs.