Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:37 Id: 975c6f No.8415 del
(73.02 KB 680x604 Tianoko.jpg)
This is not about Trump anymore. This is about the USA either realizing the golem status they are in and finally start getting out of it or continue being the spineless golem they are but with that there is like a 99% chance for a global mass awakening against this whole charade. I am always against accelerationism because they usually accelerate towards a brick wall without noticing but if they want to play the game in this direction then let's see if they are ready for the consequences. The jew is strong as long it stays subtle and in the shadows. But guess you cannot explain this to those with kosher Polish DNA within their veins.
Not sure what am I looking at besides this good picture on the booru. I don't think the lewds will be banned from the chans nor that they will be censored to be "safe". That 3 picture feels positive? Are we happy about the future of the chans? Because then...;_;yeah