Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:52 Id: 0294aa No.8431 del
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>in Europe we see that the differences are huge in between nations, and there is no unity created from being 'white'.
Someone who doesn't live in an area with any blacks or browns whatsoever would probably say that. But I really really doubt you'd maintain this stance if your town got the London treatment and blacks and browns became commonplace. The issue, really, isn't one of skin color. It's about the genetics that form the foundation of culture. To put it simply: it's the desire to live in a society where people aren't ugly and stupid. Mutts are ugly. Browns and blacks are stupid. I don't think there's much of an argument to be made on that point. Compare what it would look like if a German and a Frenchman have a child, compared to what it would look like if an African and a German had a child. I think you can recognize that there's quite a big difference there.