Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 14:07 Id: 0de68f No.8443 del
I don't think this can affect me since my experience isnt the same.I also experienced many retards but never had this detachment from other people and it seems retardedness in my area isn't even close to as widespread.Although the whole eurovision thing with that dutch singer being banned made me think maybe swedes are that abrasive.

To be honest I never really resonated with internet white supremacy either since it's american to me.It just that in my experience that when white people are alone things are much more calm and peaceful, there a sort of happiness and openness to things.Even just 1 minority creates a weird tension where i think whites feel the need not to be as true to themselves. Ofcousrse i'm always talking about 2018 and prior before literally everyone got npcd.

Id generally agree with that other anons post about things about living with pretty people. On top of that im actually the anthithesis to your experience. I started out as a bleeding hear liberal who slowly learned otherwise. Ive individually gotten along fine with muslims always.My general views arent that different and they act friendly to me when we talk. however in groups they always were the ones causing trouble. They harassed people in swimming pools. even some more personal things like trying to kidnap a family member.Very violent. IF you saw them in a group a confrontation is almost guaranteed.Most of the local dealers were muslim as well although im not very anti drug in the first place.Anyway i don't have to be against people in the first place to realize people are better of in their own lands.i literally see whites as weakened as well but more like puppies than anything else. so the reverse of how the world as a whole sees them.