Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 18:36 Id: 0294aa No.8454 del
(204.11 KB 1715x1091 Crime.png)
>So which is it? They get away with crimes, or they commit more crimes based on police statistics?
They commit more crimes and this causes police to be pressured to look the other way since the crime stats are "racist". I know many big cities even stopped including race altogether in their crime stats because of this. Looking the other way when you can isn't enough to smooth out the data though.

Honestly it seems like you just have issues with your roots (family maybe?) and are projecting those issues onto white people. My father has almost the exact same mentality as you. He has an almost seething hatred of other white people, which is very evidently caused by some abuse he went through as a child. It isn't a cultural thing either, he used to live near some Amish and he couldn't stop talking about how they should be genocided whenever he passed by one of their horses and buggies. I couldn't understand it since they seemed like the nicest people in the world to me.
It's very similar to what you were talking about with the movie. Normally that sort of stupid thing shouldn't matter much, certainly if you saw some blacks joking about a 'white guy movie' it wouldn't mean anything. It's just some other issue manifesting with the minor annoyance as an excuse.

My dad actually ended up moving to Mexico because being around brown people was the only way he could avoid having constant rage fits. He spent some time in Africa as well. Another thing I think is part of it is the more subtle social dynamic. When he was around brown people, they treated him like he was 'superior' in some way. I'm sure he doesn't think about this consciously but it's definitely a lot harder to get mad at a brown person with a colonial complex compared to a white person who's first instinct is to treat you as an equal.

>I don't feel safe if I walk alone on a street and I see a white man approach from a distance
>They all have this obsessive energy just below the surface, an aggressiveness like a badly hidden sadism constantly scanning their surroundings for a victim to abuse
You're preparing for a fight whenever you see a white guy and you're surprised that they treat you weird? When you're psychic you need to be careful about the emotions you're projecting onto people. Otherwise things like this are going to happen.