Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 20:01 Id: b9a766 No.8458 del
Besides, after seeing both Japan and north America being cleared and how their energy forms are just one large united stream of strong pure energy, I want to work to make this happen in the other parts of the world as well, which means Europe needs to have this also. For some reason there are still disturbances from various astral planes, even if mostly everything on the 3D should be cleared up by now.

>Its interesting that templars still look like regular guys
For the psychic on the video predicting the Trump shooting, it was obvious to me because his energy was so different, just not that it would work like that. But Astra showed me the structure of what templars are and how they degenerate along different paths as a result of mental and physical parasites, and it's not that they become some other being in the flesh, even though they could be said to really do. The physical will effectively hide whatever transformations someone goes through. The demon race should have horns, tail and wings and be able to fly if fully allowed to manifest in 3D (and that includes the most pure race of the demons in Russia, that would be something to see huh?). Maybe if things reflected what people are, the white fungus of the most degenerated type would just look like sponges unable to move.

I don't know what exact make up is the kind I can't stand, maybe I should look into it.