Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 22:01 Id: 0294aa No.8499 del
>Ok if you are legit religious
Religion is faith. What do you have faith in? Power? Temporal power? Are you really willing to be a whore for whoever happens to have the biggest stick to wave at you at the moment? Because that's what it sounds like you're describing. If you really are willing to submit on a dime to someone just because they prove they're "stronger" than you (whatever that means) than you. Which I doubt. You should know that you're not your body, or your mind. Dying because you know you're right and refuse to be a whore does not in any way result in your destruction. In fact I'd say that the opposite is true. Selling your soul for worldly comforts is the exact same logic that the glowniggers use.