Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 22:46 Id: b9a766 No.8502 del
"At the moment", I'm not talking about temporary power. They think themselves stronger exactly because of this thinking. Because they can for 10 min seem to overpower me, they think themselves stronger.

I don't feel this exchange here will lead to anything, because you're talking about something completely different from what I was talking about, I can't even address it because I don't see your plane of thinking and reasoning. Whatever I say would only be randomly relevant to you and probably misunderstood.

The idea that you would prefer to die and leave the physical plane, giving up your future path of development because you are "right", it's a very bad approach if you want to actually finish your spiritual development process to the fullest within your current lifetime. You have no way of knowing when or if you get a second chance. Being "right" and then dying, it won't help you. Maybe you'll be reborn again in a situation where you are not provided any means for spiritual development again for 10 lifetimes, and by then you are completely lost and can't do it. This is worth so much more than just "at least I was right when I died".