Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 23:34 Id: b9a766 No.8506 del
Then who exactly is able to understand things correctly, by being open to new experiences and perspectives? Not CIA, they are the most useless of all. Micheal Aquino was on the right track, but they rewarded him with a bullet to the head and a fake suicide note.

Actual psychotic people or those who have used drugs a lot, to my experience can be well tuned to understand the spiritual reality and its real possibilities, because their concept of physical reality and its limitations has been blurred.

Those who practice ritual satanism also seem to have the right mindset, the same blur of physical and spiritual, where its possible to imagine oneself performing actions which effect major changes in the physical world. After seeing it done by oneself or others in real time, the mind is rewired to understand that this is real, and it's no longer a very mystical thing, it becomes more a matter of aim, measures and procedures to achieve different effects. At this point, the connection with people who talk and think in a doctrinal, strict manner, will detach, and it seems difficult to communicate with them about these matters, because they still hold on to, and attempt relate back to, conventional science.