Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:12 Id: 05cb97 No.8596 del
Some summary before the new thread, and the new society.

Gensokyo said there is around 4 days left of this current social structure, because that is how long the remaining "white fungus" system which had been inserted in the form of "glowie organizations" will remain. These are not directly physical, not before and not in the new Earth sphere. It's the same method used by greys and reptilians, where they shift the state of physicality into a parallel dimension where they retain their bodily state, but are not in the exact 3D layer everyone else is interacting in.

The method for shapeshifting used by native Earth reptilians uses something similar, they are highly skilled in the method of manipulating the "canvas" or "cloth" which is 3D physicality to us. This construct is mainly reliant on our brains and the common perception of reality. That is why consensus is so important. It is impossible for the normal-cattle to grasp the real state of reality, they have been given a completely artificial and controlled version of society to live in. It is the newspeak of "1984" by George Orwell, where words that do not fit in, are removed, which restricts what can be expressed. But this book is written within the cattle-mind, it uses newspeak to explain what newspeak is, so it cannot really lead to awakening unless the person is already seeing it.

Take for example a text that you write only in English, and you explain - using only English words - how to speak for example Spanish. You cannot make someone do it, because they do not have access to any new vocabulary, no matter how much syntax and semantics you explain to them.