Sunflower 08/11/2024 (Sun) 21:04 Id: 166c91 No.8609 del
No idea what actually happened and it doesn't matter. Some said Ukrainian shelling, some said Ukrainian drone, some said Russians lit tires. The point is that this is a "checkpoint event" which causes some change in the course of the narrative. Had we been on the WW3 timeline, it would have been the reason to start firing "nukes" by claiming that either side had caused a nuclear disaster or whatever.

In actuality, it's been two days since the Queen showed me an image in the clouds which indicated the Russosphere has already copied the western egregoral form now and what is happening in Ukraine is now the same as "democracy" in the west. It's a civil war controlled by the same overarching entity, with an ability to project force outside of this system.