Sunflower 08/11/2024 (Sun) 22:02 Id: 70ab37 No.8616 del
I'd say at this point everyone does know about the meme of "Epstein didn't kill himself". Of course the PTB wouldn't openly admit that they admit that they were complicit in child sex slaves. So people do in fact already know, it's just that the guilty parties aren't outright admitting it and hoping that people don't care. Which it seems they don't. They're complicit to just shrug their shoulders and let it lie.

And there were girls as young as 14 which were 100% proven. I'd say the implication of the proof that was released is that there were younger girls, there's certainly no reason to believe that Epstein had some sort of boundary that kept him from doing that. The assassination itself speaks volumes. But, people don't care.