Sunflower 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:38 Id: 7b0c29 No.8641 del
>you'd have the skill and sensibility to not antagonize them, but to form a beneficial relation with them
Apparently the only relation they'll accept is submission, and that's not an option.
>That because you are not a neophyte, djinn are not dangerous to you?
I can deal with them. I can refuse their demands and not be destroyed because of it. I don't have to submit to them. That's what I'm saying.

>using words like "psychotic" for no reason
Viewing a cartoon as just cause for killing someone is psychotic.
>talking about sharia law out of nowhere
Why exactly do they find that cartoon so abhorrent? It's violating their laws. Same reason why caused their followers to behead that french professor for showing a 100% respectful depiction of Mohammad. It's not about 'insults', it's about refusing to submit to their rule. I view this idea of "all must submit to my religious law" as psychotic, as in carrying the violent delusion that they have dominion over the entirety of mankind. I don't see anything irrational about my conclusion here.

>Not every single djinn is invincible and omnipotent, but as a race they are.
What about an experiment then? If I'm still not dead after a week, clearly their power is insufficient to breach my paltry defenses. Thus, they are proven to be not omnipotent.