Sunflower 08/12/2024 (Mon) 21:00 Id: 166c91 No.8646 del
(62.87 KB 397x198 french 'templar'.png)
Some fake french templar started an AMA thread on /x/, I asked him to clarify his place in the NWO and he got upset. The entire group started a frenzied energy attack against me which is still ongoing (not from that cell though, I already wiped that HQ out, on the 3rd now), your postings here correlated almost exactly with their attack. You're here because your egregore is the same as theirs, or controlled by it.

It seemed strange that they'd be so upset over a post on /x/, so I assumed it was about something larger. Still not sure what, or where this UK stuff is coming from, or who started it, but it seems this is about something related.