Sunflower 08/12/2024 (Mon) 21:08 Id: 166c91 No.8647 del
>So do you think it was justified for that muslim student to behead his professor for showing a picture of Muhammad in his class? Or are you saying the djinn had nothing to do with that?
I don't have a view on it from some moralistic thinking. Djinn were obviously behind it, and they do this to strengthen the Islamic egregore and Allah. Killing your enemies makes your egregore stronger. Is that justified? Christians do it, Jews do it.

>What are you basing this assumption off of? Because I can commune with this soul just fine and it seems to agree with me on this issue.
The truly immortal soul will not invade someone else's space, but will remain within its own space, where no one else can enter. Djinn cannot enter the space of an immortal, and the immortal will not stretch outside to touch djinn either, because any such stretching is desire-bound and in mutually exclusive with the soul's immortality. If djinn can attack you, it's because you are all over the place and not immortal, or you have elements which are not immortal. For most people, they have these elements, and can be physically harmed or killed even as advanced wizards. Don't provoke things out of attachments, that will do you harm, and it can potentially ruin your future path. If one particle of mine is immortal, djinn can't touch that, but they can still harm any other particle. It's the same for you. But normally that one particle will overrule the rest of you and prevent anything to get too much out of hand.