Sunflower 08/16/2024 (Fri) 10:12 Id: 25ebf4 No.8669 del
>Has your meditation led you to an understanding, or is there something you read that made you look at things in a new light?
I didn't particularly believe in "satan" as a personalized force of evil, but at the time only saw him as a concept, so this never really blocked me. Although I've later met various "satans" which changed my understanding to it being just a word for a demon of a certain standard. There are demons who work according to different principles, not all are chaotic. "Satan" from my interactions with the spiritual world is a demon who works based on a principled malice. They don't do it because of being evil, but work within the laws of existence to find ways to express malice, so that it is safe for themselves. Sinners will fear this demon because they have no way to protect themselves against him.

Many succubus will call themselves Lilith, but in my understanding the text isn't only literal (as the kabbalah book tells you) so it should perhaps more be seen as a character representing a force of nature, and the story told from the perspective of one side. However male and female forces are not equal, they are opposites. If they are connected in a way that makes them perfectly equal, that is a negative relation where the female has become "too dominant" and the male as weakened his masculinity to be the same as her. It will lead to a marriage filled with conflict.

This understanding relies on what I later saw energetically as a karmic kind of connection, which exists not only in the so called "equal, love-based" marriages, but also on the world scale in the form of the relation between USA and EU, it manifests as the cross Atlantic connection, also a kind of bad marriage.

I'm not saying who is Lilith here, but you can understand it to represent different planes of existence.

When men (mostly) form a relation with a succubus, it is this kind of relation they form, it calling her Lilith is correct according to the lore. A weakened man asking for the support of a dominant female. But it's not a necessarily negative relation with a non-physical demon, and especially not if you contact one who is specialized in solving this negative relation in a positive way. That is what she will do. You will not engage with her physically for the most part, so many of the elements causing trouble will be impossible, but instead become spiritual.

A very principled marriage physically can also serve this purpose, but it's unlikely to happen unless the female is some kind divinity in the flesh (or the male is) which would already make for a very unequal relation.

>a guide on meditation you would
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