Sunflower 08/21/2024 (Wed) 23:30 Id: 1a772e No.8693 del
(33.57 KB 511x445 Raid AC.png)
Guardian of the Earth -set

For aiding the process of fending off the evil beings still trying to lure souls over to the negative path. Give them some of their own medicine, and let people choose the good future instead.

[Raid Anti-Christ]
Scaleform disc based servitor as the previous ones. Not recommended unless you have a strong ability to let go of personal views, as Raid per default uses Rosicrucian fire magic, and this one has Anti-Christ magic on top of that, which makes for a very chaotic activation unless you can just let it play out without interfering (panicking in a storm at sea at night, compared to just floating through it).

[Dark knife of obedience]
Suitable artifact for this Raid, uses extremely dark arts to entrap evil beings in a state where they will be forced into servitude with no escape.