Sunflower 08/22/2024 (Thu) 19:02 Id: 1a772e No.8718 del
Adding to above, special edition

[Raid pol]

for making sure the orthodox Jews oppose the IDF and crack the Israel government.

Currently being used in a major synagogue in Israel, for "hatching the cosmic egg"/qliphoth in a positive way. The negative timeline reacted by triggering the nuke event. Glowies are still interacting at some plane where timelines intersect, thinking our timeline is a "terror cell", but switching sides isn't really a thing for the surface population at this point. Only those with a strange enough mindset to believe in historical resets by faith would be able to, at this time, move from a timeline where Israel was nuked, to one where this didn't happen, after living through the event. Some like this may exist however, falling down in prayer asking God to undo it, which will cause them to move to our timeline where it didn't happen.