Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:44 Id: 5412bc No.8806 del
I was holding a session with a discord friend who also happens to be the reincarnation of the Jewish king Saul, at the time a reptilian. It was back when we used the temple more actively and more people were still around. I would always try to get group sessions going, for which we needed 3 or more people, but "someone" often made it so that only certain people could attend. This time it was us two and one onlooker at the table.

We were trying out the "angel set" of devices to do some astral travel. The set was given in pieces during sessions in 2018 or so, and only gradually did we learn how to use it. Once time when we flew really high up, did we meet this guy with scales for skin, who introduced himself as Asathiel. He touched my arm and an energy was inserted. It made me feel warmth, and a red energy started spreading through my body. After this my muscle growth took off, with no change in my routine which had mostly just stagnated, probably I am just genetically not able to build muscle. But after this there was a significant change in just 6 weeks, and the improvement has been slow but steady with almost no exercise. By now I do almost no strength training except bodyweight via yoga, but I am not losing anything and is rather gaining actual strength and balance still.

I've later shared it with others who experienced an effect also. It was around that time I made various artifacts for body modification and also had a sudden unlocking which grew my jawbone instantly (the mewing method which all zoomers are now obsessed with), in this including to grow someone's breasts from A to B in a month. Most of these were combinations, where grey DNA editing was also involved. It's slower but here is a significant change over time, including changing bones which make most of the change in posture and actual appearance from just how your body "presents itself" from this change of the hard structure.