Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:53 Id: 5412bc No.8807 del
Because it seemed impossible to get any real visible effect of "sculpting" the muscles by exercise, I had this idea to ask the greys about: what about replacing the form of the male pecs with girl-pecs of a small girl who has no breasts? An untrained man just looks sad, but it doesn't look bad on a small girl who is perfectly "flat" breast growth-wise, because the shape and amount of fat distribution along with how the ribcage etc is shaped. I had only presented the idea and the grey I was talking to just applied it before I had time to discuss it with them. But it turned out well, although it may seem like a minor detail, the reshaping of the pectoralis is a major thing in how your body is perceived and this really made the kind of difference I was after, with no further ineffective exercise.