Sunflower 08/29/2024 (Thu) 18:55 Id: bf6c66 No.8837 del
I wonder...

The Queen just showed me a map in the clouds. What she suggested was an "end of Atlantis" scale of event. A reforming of the continents.

She showed two major land massess/structures: Africa, India, China and Japan forming the "middle" of the world map, then a new formation separated by a large sea, with Latin America, North America and Russia. The separation line would appear as a crack which splits Israel and then just cuts through the land masses by the border of China and Russia all the way to the coast north of Korea.

Europe will simply sink into the sea, leaving a strip of land along the Mediterranean.

When asked how fast this would happen (I can talk to her now and then, although telepathy is weak because of the great distance) I got the reply "faster than anyone can notice".
Edited last time by bard on 08/29/2024 (Thu) 18:56.