Sunflower 08/29/2024 (Thu) 23:07 Id: 9a7bdd No.8852 del
I too can see a "shore" with waves and different layers are cracking but I cannot say anything concrete. It's like there are minor explosions or fireworks in the atmosphere if I look at the whole planet. Quite unsure what angle I should look at it. Entities saying that something is "reactivating" or a new energy stream is getting "reintroduced". Had several anomalies in the past weeks but they are not important enough to mention.

Ever since I talked to that angel the residual energies he left behind are propelling several breakthroughs of my psyche and I have to watch over what am I doing. I complained several times that we don't have enough proper stimulation especially spiritually nowadays and seems like I got the one that I "needed". My subconscious is running out of "excuses" to halt the development of my psyche. I am in a "everything I knew so far cannot be applied anymore" situation again while my mind is retaining it's base ability to "know everything like it is supposed to". Real hard to talk about and it gives me a hard time to relate to other people on a metaphysical level until I figure out the proper energies.