Sunflower 08/30/2024 (Fri) 21:39 Id: 9f2a4d No.8863 del
Yesterday, before this vortex formed and the things the Queen showed me seemed to play out, there was a very negative energy explosion. It was like that scene in "My life with slimes"
>pic related
where some cult is trying to destroy the world but he contains the explosion inside a force field, and his MP goes minus several 1000. The pyramid ship I had put up there to maintain control over the egregore took effect, and did its job. But it was very violent.
The right large circle was how it looked when this karmic energy blew up in Europe, and that area is to be seen as the whole of centra Europe. Somewhat later, I was hit by another backlash, which was also contained by the pyramid. It was the size of the left circle compared, and was from USA.

From the information I got out of this later, it seems to have been the karma of Europe with all of its empires (not just UK but Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, everyone had colonies and behaved like utter scum out in the world) was so immense it invalidated their continued existence in the future history. No matter the negativity of US meddling and warfare, it was so small compared to the EU, because USA has existed for such a short time compared. It doesn't matter that Britain had some positive effect from its cultural exchange with India for example, their crimes still made them the worst Empire/nation in history, so they all had to be destroyed and surgically cut out of any planetary rebirth process.

I now recalled that a day ago I was shown something as I woke up in the morning. It was a word, like printed letters on types, could have been the Tetragrammaton from its feel, but it was a longer word. Then 1/3 of it was cut off diagonally from middle left to the left bottom. It cut through some letters, and felt very brutal. I think that was what happened here, whatever the word or concept was, it was surgically cut away from history because of its karma.