Sunflower 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:50 Id: 02f6f6 No.8864 del
Dream time, so ever since taking the original spell by alissa i started having recurring dreams of people i knew in real life. A lot were friends but even more were people i knew only somewhat. As time went on this started increasing.whats wierd is the most common people in the dreams dont seem like people that had a major impact in my life with some exceptions (some of my friends were recurring,but some others were missing),some of these people i barely remembered and i know for a fact i only met some of them once in passing in life yet they kept returning in the dreams.some i never even interacted with and only knew of existing.also the people i barely knew ususally didnt have any mental or emotional significance either. On the other hand some major figures/friends in my life were seemingly exempt and would never show up even though it would make more sense if they did given how emotionally more impactful they were. Anwyay this dream starts of with me being at my old house.there a sort of party being set up/people getting invited. Often in these dreams with the people from my life people are having parties. Anyway theres this famous guy coming to visit according to my sister. He has black slicked up hair but i dont recognize him.i show him my house and we all talk and such and he apparently is into the spiritual stuff. He asks me if my knees are alright and tells me he can sense evil spirits in there. He stretches my legs and tells me i should be able to stretch them that far without help. It will help the knees. Anyway the party resumes normally and i get to my garden and more and more people show up. People from the past usually people i liked. We have convos and such and i keep wondering how the hell are all these people getting here.most seem positive towards me. Weirdly enough jake paul shows up with the feeling he is a regular there.i vaguely remember him showing up before.him and his brother are also the only famous people who are have even ever showed up. Im like hold up these are local people mixed with people from america. How are they all getting here in time?a friend comes clean and tells me they have all been living here for quite some time, theres 30 of them in total and it includes a lot of friends and even some people i barely knew.apparently im on of the only person who can make a realm stable so they all "fell" here and some went here. Meanwhile the famous dude is doing is own thing with people following them. Jake paul is finding logs/sticks to throw at people cause he thinks its fun. Its all around a party type mood. I try to find the interesting spots and listen to people. The same dude who explained the situation who i knew in real life asks me about the real world outside. I asked cant you see through my eyes. He says only 7 people of the 30 can and he says 3 of those cultivated ki prior to getting like alright apparently europe is gone. The guy is like "what?" I tell him apparently the karma was too bad. He tells me they werent that bad. I tell them of the past things and he tells me that was ages ago and he wasnt even involved and neither were most present.anyway they seemd a bit distaught their real place of origin was gone. I said i agree but apparently past karma can collect and then it has to be paid. Also you can be caught in the crossfire,meaning just being a part of the group or even even just being in the same space can be enough.I told them it still looked fine for me but that might just be my own ability to project my realm going on. Anyway theres a bit of a mutiny/fight later lead by that guy(who was a decent guy in real life as i remember him) i end up winning. My power overall is rather dark i notice but nobody really seemed bothered. Only a few people where involved. Suddenly i meet a guy who definitley hated me in real life. Seemingly being like my rival in everything somehow.continued