Sunflower 08/31/2024 (Sat) 15:51 Id: 02f6f6 No.8872 del
As an example i noticed during dreams theres a copy of my entire city. The very first interaction i had with the people here was way back and it was a guy representing you wearing a really huge backpack walking in my mind seemingly investigating perhaps thinking they cant be seen.I went to them and we walked next to each other for a while in silence.It felt friendly to me but even some extreme things can feel like friendliness to me.after a while they turned to me and asked if i wanted to be a little girl.there was perhaps the expectation that this conversation would have ended in me accepting cause each answer would be countered. I simply said id rather be the guy hugging the girls than the girl itself. It was recognized as the perfect answer since theres no meaning or logic just a simple statement.they didnt try to answer back. They seemed perhaps dissapointed/saddened.later i still saw them camping in my mind. Searching for or analyzing not sure they realized the entire area was part of me.