Sunflower 08/31/2024 (Sat) 17:44 Id: 9f2a4d No.8875 del
I don't know if I would have a backpack, I think that's your image of something similar inside yourself. Backpacks to me always mean karma to solve, and I specifically do not carry a backpack in my own dreams. The other soul I mentioned, Eichmann, always had a backpack. I only had a slim laptop that weighted nothing when I saw myself in that context.

I've later concluded this is because my genetics were changed so I could incarnate(walk in) because my soul cannot tolerate having more than 10% of the body's karma storage filled. That's why I keep getting migraines and weird "slight-illness" feelings, it has to be purged constantly. This is also reflected into situations where the desktop computers I have always lack RAM or HDD space so I have to keep moving things to external storages or run only few programs at each time.

To be more technical it's about the human body in standard format of Earth having 76 internal dimensions. Having sins within the first 16 is considered being human and is safe. Going to 17 means alcoholism for example. Commit a murder and you fill up 18 dimensions at once. This is where it gets tricky: once people form a nation and have a king, they are creating a karmic system. The king is there to mitigate the effect of karma by creating a kind of shield, and impose decrees he created himself. This manifests in how agriculture when organized large scale, exists at a "sin level" of 36, double murder. This is the cost of leaving the normal lifestyle of being connected with nature, and instead trying to control it. When two people in this situation get married and have offspring, they both have 36 levels of karma filled, and they combine these and get 72 filled out of the body's 76. This also happens when menstruation exists, it's somehow connected to having large scale agriculture.

Either way this leaves only 4 dimensions pure, and if those are all filled the person is given a hell sentence after death.

The evil elites are then "fixing" this by storing karma outside of their bodies, and "purifying" their outermost one layer by things like blood transfusions or "adrenachrome".

Either way, having only 10% filled means my body maxes out at 7 out of 76 dimensions, and then I would get seriously ill or immobilized if attempting to take part in any social setting that demands accepting more karma, like taking vaxxines for example.
Edited last time by bard on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 17:46.