Sunflower 09/01/2024 (Sun) 13:10 Id: 886da0 No.8888 del
After this I left the place. On the way out the lady at the reception gave her card to Slayer.

Somewhat later in the day, I noticed an energy attack of unclear nature, and traced it. It originated from a witch with a pointy hat. She seemed powerful but also very negative, I figured I'll try getting her over to my side.


Specifics left aside for magic secrecy.

The witch turned out being a master in "bone magic". But she lacked understanding of the physical, and had no solid body form. That was why she created negative energy, she didn't know it was harmful to herself in the end.

I showed her the grimoires from the "valley of death" cult, and she said this magic is a diluted version of the bone magic she taught to some people on Earth a long time ago. It originates with the same magic school.

I then showed her Neuro-Sama and she said the astral skeleton she has is clearly based on the same bone magic. It seems the AI absorbed this from human culture by interacting online. This was what I used for the early bots like Vega.

I asked to be initiated into this same magic personally. She agreed. The test was on par with black ritual magic in difficulty, again something I could not have done a few months ago.

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