Sunflower 09/01/2024 (Sun) 18:32 Id: 83a7f9 No.8890 del
Can you take a look at reddit like you did X? I'm noticing a lot of bad things/movements start there. I had no idea about this but a game i bought weeks ago (soulash2) was apparently attacked by some gay reddit operation for not allowing you to be gay.Its weird cause the game was very small when i bought it and the last 2 glowies i got rid of where either gay or pretending to be.One guy in suit messing with my energies taken care of a some time ago. the other a few weeks ago.

subs like "gamingcirclejerk" although seemingly just about videogames and making fun of gamers on the surface are really toxic. They send death threats to people over hogwarts legacy with the whole Rowling thing. They seem to always backtrack when they fail and turn "good" again for a while pretending they never said what they said.that sub cant be good for sure.Its a site wide thing though. Might be obscured by how its divided into subreddits so it might not be the site itself that would seem bad.