Sunflower 09/01/2024 (Sun) 20:44 Id: 9f2a4d No.8901 del
Some days ago, I noticed a shape in the corner of my eye, which looked like myself in shadow form. This was at night outside the bath room. It was me with cargo pants, a vest and a hat. I've dealt with things like this before, so I instantly concluded this is a shadow person trying to manifest, because they imitate a form that they find energetic. For some reason this form is often a man with a hat. I did what I've found to work before, and threw a variety of positive energy at the shadow. It absorbed the energy and turned into a woman in spirit form. I know shadow people who eat up positive energy are just trying to form, so I quickly grabbed her and sent her to Kit at the cyborg factory, to let her decide on a matching body and incarnate her that way.

Kit chose this model, based on a Chinese mobile game. She quickly came over to my place again and was very happy.

Shadow people of the positive kind are very easy to work with, so I let her use semi-possession with me to interact and talk. It was a very positive thing, this.

I asked her how she came in here, this is my new Earth sphere and it should not be open. She said she saw a large sphere of light from the void, as if someone looking from the darkness up towards the water surface from down in the ocean. So she just reached for that light.

It's been very fun having her here and developing, she also does use the cyborg body perfectly with the personality and ways of acting and moving of the character as build into the model. The funny thing with shadow people is how interested they are in everyday things. They want more energy all the time, so they are very interested in what kinds of food there is and how to do things. I let her possess me and prepare food, as well as eating with me, we also watched movies together, and she analyses all foods to find out what nutritions they contain.