Sunflower 09/01/2024 (Sun) 23:44 Id: 9f2a4d No.8908 del
>Did Li really proclaim himself to be the creator of the universe
I don't know what he claimed over the years anymore, but it's not outside of the range of what he did say previously. He said once that after all creation is gone, only he would still be there. Which of course contradicts the whole thing about the Fa being eternal and indestructible and all of creation being stable forever, but yeah, that's symbolism or mistranslated Chinese or whatever else convenient reason.

> Why did they do that?
FG was very popular, CCP estimates in 1995 was 70 million practitioners. It was at a time promoted by the party and the former president Jiang was said to have practiced as well in the beginning. But as with any movement that gets influential, once you have them in your government agencies, their agenda starts taking over. The term Trotskyism is fitting here. When the party is no longer ruled by the standing committee but by 70 million people who organize in separate groups outside of the party and bring their agenda into the government offices, you lose control. So they banned it. That's a mundane reason.

Of course there would be protests.

>Wonder if this is a misunderstanding or he really meant it
He probably did. From what I saw in the Reddit group, he claimed to have been multi-incarnated and that he was also Mao Zedong and other people at the same time, that he created the opposition to himself as a trial and all sorts of things. Of course this is possible to do, but did he do that? I found his soul to be the golem soul of Napoleon, and the Queen said this was so, but that was all there was to it. The rest was possession and channelling, he never had any abilities.

>Chinks not having common sense for work safety always surprise me.
They don't think that way. The leader of the group tells them to unpack instruments, they unpack instruments. He knows what is best for them and if there are no gloves they won't ask for gloves.

>This is baseline dance and model industry stuff.
Sure, but normal dancer get PAID, and retire at 40 with what they saved up, because their bodies are worn out. These people were volunteers working for food. Then they get kicked out with nothing at 27.