Sunflower 09/01/2024 (Sun) 23:59 Id: 9f2a4d No.8909 del
Shen Yun is based on breaking fundamental principles of Falun Gong, as laid out in the beginning by Li himself. And he himself fucking founded this dance group.

There is this thing he spread, called "the three things" which are "study the Fa", "send righteous thoughts" and "spread the truth".

This comes down to reading Zhuan Falun to understand the principles, performing a spiritual cleansing procedure (this one is legit, I've used it a lot and it still worked against glowies last year when I had no other means to use at times), and the last part: to spread information about the real nature of FG to counter CCP lies. In this is a more complex argumentation from ZF where he talk about how some people are afraid of telling anyone they cultivate (take part in spiritual practice), and how those people are the worst and failed the initial test. He give them several examples of people who appeared on tv and in media for having done various good deeds, but they didn't mention that they did it because they were practicing FG and following its principles, instead they said it was for some mundane reason.

Now what happens next irl? Local FG people here started an organization called "Supporting Human Right in China" and used that to front for themselves instead of just saying they are Falun Gong. And no one seemed to realize that they are directly failing the initial test by the words of Li himself.

Then what? They start a fucking newspaper called Epoch Times and a tv station called New Tang Dynasty where they nowhere tell anyone that these are Falun Gong media, rather they claim to be "le random free China media" who just happens to employ only FG people. Again they are failing the initial test.

Then the crown on this filthy beast: Li himself starts a dance group to "promote Chinese culture" while pretending it isn't a FG dance show.

This is how you build a movement that amasses karma to the extreme. That is what they are sending out from their media for 20 years now. The fear of saying openly that they are FG.

I tried telling them this early on in the online groups and mailing lists, but no one could understand what I said. It's just following instructions in text, but no one can do it. Not even the person who wrote it down.