Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 17:51 Id: 9f2a4d No.9034 del
Israel is now going all out to start WW3, this can't be allowed since it would drag everyone down with them, and it would destroy the environment and those things that are to be passed into the future. It would render the entirety of this set of timelines unusable and make it impossible to connect them into the new Earth. The logic is now clear: because EU and western Europe tied their whole moral superiority to the existence of the state of Israel following "the holocaust" in WW2, they would have no choice but to defend Israel no matter what they do. Even when they are the aggressor.

However, the means of their collective destruction has been built into their society by themselves, and that is what will now play out.

I will try to maintain Internet functionality by connecting it via Blacknet, we can probably get away with it because the information blackout will make it impossible for anyone to estimate what connections should possibly remain.