Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:21 Id: 6d098d No.9040 del
> No. North America was always owned by Santa Muerte, and the war for this continent ended around 2 months ago. SM had no more enemies there and her entire army was moved to the astral into a resting state. She won. I already hinted at it and it's not like anyone can misuse this information anymore: she's incarnated into the Famida family as a vampire to get physical life experiences. She's that certain her enemies aren't coming back to America.
Ohh right, i remember you or someone else talking about santa muerte on this site and in the collective discord years ago too now that i think about it

> CIA and the deep state there were beaten bloody already in the past few years, the galactic federation controls the white house since around a year back. It's all for show, what's happening there now. I think that X on the second assassin is to hint at that, he's actually "on our side" even if his intent was evil, it was planned this way to gain support for Trump and through the shock wake him up a bit.
huh, didnt think the cia and such were beaten already. kept thinking they were just barely hanging on in all honestly

> The EU was glowie central, run by a mess of the evilest organizations on the planet, which includes MI6 and Mossad and a number of groups so hidden they don't have names. At the center of this were the "gay templars", the physical manifestation of the lowest kinds of alien dregs, beings who imitate grey insectoid DNA, but aren't immortals and don't even understand that the insectoid form is very limited. They think the greys in their modified form are "creator gods" and that is the only thing they respect, aside from that they are completely toxic and malicious in every aspect.
> They are the cancer which has infected the belly of the world (Europe) and will now be cut out and burned.
damn, i cant believe europe was the real cancer