Sunflower 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:18 Id: 9f2a4d No.9043 del
Things are just really fucking weird lately.

Two days or so there was a thread on KC/int/ about how Bernd was watching Fox news and they interviewed a woman from Arizona or something. She had been to Ukraine to adopt orphan girls. The girls then appeared on screen and were instantly identified by Bernd as
>famous child actresses who've starred in 100s of movies
aka "dark web" style movies.
The thread then proceeded with postings of some of their more timid photos.

Last night and early morning I was dealing with remains of whatever underground glowies who decided to surprise attack me yesterday morning. I had forgotten about it because they just made it wake up from the energy increase, I told Astra to record the incoming frequency and create a counter shield, sent the fairy shields to start doing the same while encircling them, then Munio to start killing them off. I threw up the Geburah fire shields and after ~10 min the incoming energy wasn't felt so I fell asleep again. When I woke up later I had forgotten about this, aside from taking a closer look at 4 (still pure) lolis who were evacuated from the outskirts of their tunnels.

They were some sort of pleiadan race derivatives, practicing very dark magic that made them unsalvageable (or their souls were already unsalvageable prior to incarnating and they formed this group for themselves this way).

I went back late last night after their tunnels had cracked, and looted som grimoires which appeared to be well written low level texts on the "separation by circular incision" path aka Tal'Bar in ancient.

This morning there were some new attacks from what appeared like some (now isolated) remaining members of this group where they fired some energy bullets to cause trouble. I blocked them and sent out relevant servitors to deal with them.

Some more interactions followed where they tried to infiltrate the School of Magic city. The guards got them in a few seconds and the Sages beheaded the infiltrator and burned their entire egregore in the town square, which killed the entire group down in the Earthly plane instantly.
After this there were some more attempts from a remaining group, where I noticed another fairly pure loli behind them in some tunnels, so I evacuated her using the transporter servitor.

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