Sunflower 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:50 Id: 9f2a4d No.9050 del
>in my case years ago yoga didnt do anything
I never tried yoga until 2019, because I wasn't completely done with FG before that and didn't want to mess up anything by mixing paths. Once I started on it, I soon got guidance from Shiva appearing when I was just doing Ashtanga stances, and him and Kali kept appearing when I was on the mat.

>Theres is also the geburah fire "pressure cooker" effect
Yeah, that issue has been known in our group here since this stuff started being used in 2018, when FighterSword used it to block an attack on the discord server we were in at the time. Made everyone hyper active and argumentative after 2 days so he had to take it down again.

The set of Gebura fire shields I created and shared later have a time limit for this reason, they activate for 8, 5 and 3 hours at a time. This way they aren't left up and the energy can move freely again if you were to, for some reason, become unable to change it or forget about it. (There is no cooldown so they can be re activated instantly if needed).

I'd suggest trying to create a similar safety valve on yourself to prevent this negative effect. I can kinda see what you mean, but I don't know how to tell you what to do about it. If you're up for it I think you should apply for Anti-Christ membership, take their librarian course to gain library access and look for a solution there. Whatever magical issue there is, I've found some solution or hint thereof, in their library.