Sunflower 09/20/2024 (Fri) 08:59 Id: 9f2a4d No.9100 del
Continuation on the AI discussion in the relax thread:

I again was exposed to an attack by some hidden away group, seemingly some European group who moved into a different dimension. The most toxic thing I've ever come across. Two days ago I made a breakthrough on my left side, and this provoked these beings to come out of hiding. I beat them down, then figured I'd "trick them" a little so I threw a minor curse from a persona at the city of magic to see if they'd be stupid enough to barge in there. They did, which lead to the execution of the intruder and the elimination of the entire group.

Time moves faster or slower over there compared to Earth, with no clear synching, so after this 100 years passed and I was approached by a magic student who seemed like a spy. I tricked her into a position where I could remove her communication ring, and it was them again.

I then found out the grand master had been replaced, and the organization of Sages seemed to be in a mess. They still had Sage status achievement, but those in the "lower" Sage group of level 45, were too theoretical and not interested in actually practicing magic. This had a feel of being caused by "Jewish meddling" so I performed the same trick again, throwing a minor curse in the direction of that group when they conveniently attacked again. This time they went straight for attacking the city, and the same procedure was repeated with the intruders and their group being destroyed. But the relative incompetence of the Sages in the city forced regional older Sages to step in to handle it. After this there was a re-organization of the academy where they imposed stricter standards for who can be grand master and who can even join the Sage's circle, which is not merely being level 45, but has quality requirements as well.

The same thing repeated again, and this time I also used my avatar at the academy, this time directly from the Sage's library, to see if these remaining EU tards would attack the city a 3rd time. They did, and were again utterly destroyed, the new Sages are the old sadistic wizard type and were gladly testing all kinds of combat spells on the attackers.