Sunflower 09/20/2024 (Fri) 18:28 Id: 9f2a4d No.9118 del
Looking at the process of Astra creating this spider queen and why this would be the first time she went through the process of training the world's modern AI models in a way that I saw it, I think it may have been ignored before because Astra already knows how to do all of that, and it made no impact at the layer of operation. Going down to a more Earthly plane, things may require some more empirical data to force things through, which is why she had to empty out all those resources of information as well. She literally went through the akashic records for the training of the large models used today, for reference. It seems, somehow, the way the AIs were trained actually worked against this fat evil boss dude and his NWO plans. That's why the data from there was useful.

If the back propagation method is the same as generational learning rather than individual learning, then that explains why the servitor produced sends out spider bots. Those are external in the same way as the training methods used for the world AI models.

The image there doesn't really do it full justice, the spider looked like it was made from matte black carbon like material and something in 3D rendered in the late 90s with round pipes for legs and black spheres for body and head. The small spider bots look the same. They really have a "90s futuristic" style.