Sunflower 10/04/2024 (Fri) 15:20 Id: a23644 No.9216 del
Recently I think I was getting contacted by some lamia like Loli being(?) I "dreamt" get followed by her, she was in the form of very old vanilla yugioh card. She had straight long brown hair and white skin, I remember getting her card and her following me around me. I think I went into massacre yandere mode earlier this week too, I vaguely recall killing people or some kind of things, I think they were humans but at the same time... I don't think they were harmless, I'm not sure if this is due to me talking (attempting to anyway) with my sisters more but I've been feeling more detached from humans; be it irl or online so I'm not sure if most of my human mentality is slowly fading away or what. I was being talked to by a rat like woman who liked pic related from that new mihoyo gacha too, it wasn't anything too noteworthy about the encounter. Lastly I think glowies try to inject something into me again, I believe it was similar to what anon talked about on a thread here months ago where the glowies were trying to implant an unusual hatred of niggers, I could feel this being attempt at artificially implanted by them when I was trying to sleep one a few nights ago. It was weird but I think I was able to get it purged out of me before it could take root.