404UserNotFound 03/01/2016 (Tue) 23:18:59 Id: 5ebad1 No. 73 del
(325.81 KB 574x756 YwC0mCK.png)
So I just saw the thread on that Leeky forum;

> and 404 is right about loldeathmatch and lolstealfromtf2

You're damn right I'm right. I like you guys. At least I'm not the only one sitting here wondering what the fuck the dev team was snorting when they decided to add the fucking Gunboats (especially adding them for the Demoman, they look fucked up on his feet)

Pic related even though it's quite old (was made way back when I was on the TF2C dev team).

I had a modeller rig the Merc into the "i dunno lol" pose so I could make a fake update image mocking Frying Dutchman after he was brought in and the focus of TF2C switched to loldeathmatch.