Jason Grant 04/02/2017 (Sun) 21:59:00 Id: 49a469 No. 81 del
(3.30 MB 326x326 asian ocean man.mp4)
I'm a cancerous faggot who just loves seeing all the bullshit Pay2Win loadouts and their abuse. Hell whenever I get some drops that have to do with a P2W loadout I equip them and abuse them. Hell I even enjoy loadouts that fluctuate the critical hit appearance rate.

Honestly I don't know what to do. Seeing these crazy loadouts, using them myself and fighting against them is too addictive. There's no greater satisfaction to me than playing say a vanilla pyro and airblasting a soldier's Direct Hit with banner/krit effects.

Equally there's nothing more satisfactory for me than going ninjaneer, killing ten people with a sentry plus wrangler, then destroying said sentry to get twenty guaranteed crits. Seeing my enemies underestimate me while I blast them away with 2 shotgun blasts is too damn fun. Honestly I don't give a fuck about the cancerous hats, animations and cosmetics.

No, I just love the chaos this game has accumulated in the pubs over the years. Honestly, I wonder what a total shitshow competitive would be without banning all these awesome meta set ups plus their crit modifiers like demo knight, buff banner, Rambo medic and so on.