Third Positionist 07/15/2016 (Fri) 05:19:23 No. 2 del
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BO from 8chan here. (but not the BO of this board)

Just wanted to say nice job, we might just need a backup board if 8chan /thirdpositionist/ gets spammed to shit. Not to mention, we need to spread the third position message of conservative anti-capitalism.

Including but not limited to:

The deportation of illegals and migrants who's cultural values are directly opposed to the national interest.

The destruction of the neoliberal capitalist system which is taking away our economic power and leading to the death of the national worker.

With that said, it's clear by the attacks in France and the actions of BLM terrorists that multiculturalism is a failure.

It's also clear by the economic state of the nation and the decadence and degeneracy of late stage capitalism that we need an economic alternative.

With that said, good work. Keep spreading the good word. It's nice to know that there are others out there who share our views.