anonymous 06/30/2019 (Sun) 23:09:30 No.1619 del
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Can anyone share any facts about Imouto Jiru/姉汁? I found a series of clips from the game where the protagonist turns into a loli, but there's no info on the internet in English about how much TSF there is. I'm disappointed in you, internet. [Embed]
Basically he gets cursed, and then he turns into a kid. He doesn't realize it until he sits on the toilet, apparently the size of his ass made him realize it.

His sisters rush in when he screams and they don't even remember that he was a guy. (Identity death?) So he has to go along with pretending he was a girl.

I haven't watched it all yet, but the last clips was hilarious. At the end he finds a diary he made of the research he did into a curse while he was still a guy, but he can't really read or understand it anymore because he's a girl now. So he gives his step-father the diary and asks him to explain how he can break the curse. (I guess the curse has dumbed him down like a little girl?) The father looks at it and 'his face turns white" (I'm guessing the way to break the curse involves to collect the love juices of his sister in a bottle.) And then the step-father says to his new cute little daughter, "There's no cure, you'll be a girl for the rest of your life," and immediately begins ripping the pieces of the diary up into little pieces. *The little girl shrieks in desperation*

And so his perverted everyday life as a woman will continue for the rest of his life, but the sex is good so he thinks it isn't so bad.

Most of the eroCgs are here:

But a few tachi-e can only be found here:

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