Plot: A middle aged man, Ishii Kazuyoshi, an ex-producer of the K-1(International martial arts association), had just been released from prison after an scandal from fixing fights. He is promptly run over by a Japanese Truck™, but rather than dying he gets up again, at which point is proposed a deal by a talking cat and by what appears to be God.
After that when she wakes up she uses her karate skills to run away from the hospital but gets cornered by some guys. Apparently she owes around $3-500,000 dollars and the yakuza guys are going to rape her (I guess that's part of that payment?) She knows she's outnumbered, but she smartly calls out the head guy, surprise kicks him, and then runs off. Her friend picks her up and tells her not to kill herself because she can repay the money somehow.
At the house he picks up one of her notebooks and suddenly all the memories she had come back to him. She remembers wanting to go to Hawaii, and how both of her parents died. (The last one was of the girl trying to kill herself out of frustration because the debt was so high.)
After that she pledges to enter a bunch of martial arts tournaments around the country to win enough money to pay off the debt of that girl.