anonymous 12/27/2017 (Wed) 05:49:12 No.912 del
A decade years ago I played the English version of X-change 2, and was pissed that team who localized the game hadn't bothered to translate the songs in the game. So I went to a lot of trouble and figured out how to make these karaoke subs and encode them way back then. It took me DAYS to find the real lyrics for the ED because my google searches kept finding the lyrics to less obscure songs that used similar lyrics. (I eventually found them on an obscure Japanese website.) Here's the OP.

(I can't share much older eroge music. I used to have the Xchange 2 OST, and Xchange 3's ED was cool too and would have been perfect since it sounds like Christmas and had a Christmas tree in it, but I lost them and the copyright holders took them all down from the internet. Not that old eroge music is particularly valuable...)

眩しい季節 誰にでも一つはある

木漏れ日の下 二人で歩いた贅沢な時
忙しそうな毎日のあなたに わがままを言った

「海へ連れて行って」と おねだりを

眩しい季節 誰にでも一つはある

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