Bear 06/22/2023 (Thu) 14:58 No.1133 del
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That scamp eluded my grasp this night. *sigh*

Gretta gretta gretta thrumburg even your name is homely. You need to change it to Summer or Amber or even Jenna. The kind of girl that would wear flavored lip balm and smells like bubblegum. The kind who twirls her hair and wears short shorts even in winter. The kind who walks the boardwalk on a bikini top.

My sweet, I'll need to come up with a nick for you to ebtice my brain to include you as worthy. You're just not the caliber of girls it conjures. There is a chance though, if Hermione got on the list, there is still hope.

Help me prove this is a simulation. I will manifest you in my dream.