Kashtan 03/29/2023 (Wed) 11:33 No.118 del
yes same
but after being 10 years on chans exposed to an endless stream of death violence and degeneracy you accept it. not that you like it but you accept the reality of the world. it is brutal truth not the filtered censored brave new world lies of social media. we are the antisocial media the fools who tell the emperor he is without clothes

you are still new here. you will see things noone else dares to show and read things noone else dares to say. people here still ask and answer to uncomfortable questions that the npcs completely ignore or cancel you for. that alone is worth bearing all the shit you see

so the only way to survive in hell is to become one of the devils. this is a clown world, might as well have fun in it. but as our german autist said it's walking on the edge. many fall off