Yakumo 07/26/2023 (Wed) 16:02 No.1548 del
>Jan Böhmermann
One of the most disgusting leftist agitators we have, disguising his anti-German political agenda as 'comedy'.

Also that didn't age well, it's a parody of Rammstein Singer Till Lindemann who's accused of drugging, beating and raping his groupies. Video still accurately portraits German militant 'tolerance'.

>It's perfectly legal for them to do whatever they fuck they want to do
Lmao, question the 6 millions as almost 93 year old granny and you go to jail indefinitely because you're a grave danger for democracy

Or be sentenced for mass murder at age 97 because as teen girl you've been working as a secretary in a concentration camp 80 years ago. Progressive!

>Freedom of speech
Haha yeah you can say funny swear words on TV but only to white people and commoners. You will get your home searched and a prison sentence if you insult someone browner than you - or a politician. Hate crime! German police is very active patrolling social media for xenophobic remarks every time some sandnigger rapes and kills a local girl or random people on the street.

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