Bear 08/03/2023 (Thu) 21:48 No.1602 del

This led to my awakening, helped cure my depression, ended lonliness and generally increased my quality of life and sleep greatly, unimaginably.

Being obviously in the .1% of tulpamancers I can also imagine the lower end only had their life ruined by this same practice. Thoughtforms are sticky, some unique individuals are prone to psychosis, some assholes can't be helped either way.

For the average tulpamancer, I think based on my experience they're improved.

I wouldn't go out and promote it, this is a cult, we're all ill in one way or another to foster this, those who are susceptible to this will find it eventually.

There have been mainstream shows published with tulpas, no one cares.

Our stigma is akin to zoophiles, maps, furries and nazis, which some of us (not mentioning any names) ring all those bells simultaneously.

No culture on Earth that has ever existed is ready for tulpamancy. That's my take even if it could help.

Awakening does help though.